Regal Pale Bocks

Randy Karasek / Jack Lucas
December, 2004
This page and associated links provide some information of our find of a Regal Pale Bock "beer can chest". Note that these pages have been put together for sharing of information, not just to sell the cans. Since there are a number of both Bock and California collectors, and the resulting beer cans turned out real sweet, we do expect a number of rumors and partial information. However, hopefully these pages make it possible for all to read the exact same details.

Story as originally submitted to BCCA, Rustlings, and Merry Bocksters
Our plans for the finished cans
Pictures of the chest when first got it home (what to do next)
Pictures of the chest the next morning (still thinking what to do next)
Let the chest destruction begin
Time to finally clean the uncut panels (or at least try)
Turning the panels into real rolled beer cans
The finished product, 20 really sweet professionally rolled cans