Blue/Gray Friday
All around another awesome Blue/Gray show, unfortunately I must leave early due to strange travel plans. It was great to visit with a number of collecting friends, interesting conversations, and some killer cans. Everyone has their own specialities, but in mine I saw:
  1. Another Colt 45 Malt Lager from Detroit (now at least three known)
  2. Another National Bohemian zip from Detroit (reasonable price and able to give to a friend)
  3. Three white Altes zips (two indoor, one offgrade but still pretty nice)
  4. A gem mint, all original, first variation Goebel American Eagle (Lilek 339)
I'm taking home with me at least 15 cans (Michigan cans and some CA zips/tabs) and another B/G year of great memories. The initial travel wasn't much fun, but this show is truly the one which can't be missed. Thanks much for everyone putting in so many hours to host such a great event!!!