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MBC 69-01

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Brewery Regal Brewing Company Date  
Type Flat, 12-2, Wide, IRTP, OI Price 15000
Company National Can Company Code  
Details Patents Pending. Can believed to be unique in good condition and only 3 dumpers known (all three found near Mackinac Island) and one of the three dumpers is a total repaint! Hopefully a case or two of these fall out of a home being remodeled around the Detroit area!

Interesting story confirmed by Al Cambridge, the second owner of the indoor Regal. This can along with a number of other tough OI cans were found discarded in a landfill (likely from a relative of a can company employee). This Regal had a piece of tar paper stuck to the back face, and over time dried up and fell off, leaving the blemish under the "RB" logo as can be seen today.

USBC 1 122-03 USBC 2   Class   BCU  
Bible   Other   Lid    

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Randall Karasek. All Rights Reserved
Updated: 5/20/2023