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Brewery Regal Brewing Company Date  
Type Flat, 12-2, Wide, IRTP, OI Price 15000
Company National Can Company Code  
Details Third best known dumper. This is the third best known dumper Regal, as photographed August 2003. As was popular during the 1970's, this can was repainted as part of can "restoration". While a picture was taken of the can's face, I did not take pictures of all four sides since better photographs of another dumper had already been taken. Hopefully I get a chance to rectify this oversight, and photograph this can in detail during a future visit.

Note that while the face and back of this can are total repaint, the OI panel was left in original condition, and text "REGAL CAN-SEALED PROCESS" can be read as part of the brewery mandatory. As National's early manufacturing process, the beer can's brand name was included in the mandatory, helping verify this repainted can is over a real Regal dumper.

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Randall Karasek. All Rights Reserved
Updated: 5/20/2023