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Type Flat, 12-1, Wide Price 10
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Details Colt Malt Liquor (Paintover). Very cool paintover example with images provided by Rusty Bunch www.therustybunch.com member Kurt Matson, along with background storyline:

"I found this can along with a number of other Graf's cans in the UP of Michigan in about 1983-84'ish near Amasa, MI. I had started to rub it out shortly after I found it in the mid-80's but stopped when I saw that it was 'just a Colt 45 can'. I didn't know it was missing the '45' on the label until finishing rubbing it out when I dug it back out of my dumper boxes in late 2008. A post on the RB site about paintovers prompted me to dig out all of my Graf's that I had stored away."

No marketed examples are known to exist, but I didn't know there was even the possibility of a Detroit Malt Liguor (not Lager) without the '45' until seeing Kurt's paintover example!!!

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Randall Karasek. All Rights Reserved
Updated: 5/20/2023