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Brewery Goebel Brewing Company Date  
Type Flat, 12-2, Wide Price  
Company American Can Company Code  
Details #55050, USBC 77-36.

Assumed 20 different canning/vat/lot codes. Brewed by Goebel as an experiment in 1954 but stopped due to poor sales. While unclear the meaning of the five digit number inset within can face (assumed canning code or beer vat), all numbers within the low to high range have been accounted for according to the Lewandowski brothers.

36-52, #55042  USBC 77-32 36-62, #55052  Need Pics
36-53, #55043 36-63, #55053
36-54, #55044 36-64, #55054  Need Pics
36-55, #55045  USBC 77-33 36-65, #55055  USBC 77-37
36-56, #55046  Need Pics 36-66, #55056
36-57, #55047  USBC 77-34 36-67, #55057  USBC 77-38
36-58, #55048  Need Pics 36-68, #55058
36-59, #55049  USBC 77-35 36-69, #55059
36-60, #55050  USBC 77-36 36-70, #55060
36-61, #55051 36-71, #55061  USBC 77-39

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Updated: 5/20/2023