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MBC 36-06.5

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Brewery Goebel Brewing Company Date 1939
Type Flat, 12-1, Wide Price 35
Company American Can Company Code AC CO 68-A
Details Gold label across eagle. Side panel reads: "The sparkling Goebel Beer in this brewery sealed, flavor protecting container is the highest premium quality. It is brewed under the most exacting conditions and comes to you right from the cypress casks of Goebel. Served chilled, its delicious flavor makes Goebel Beer an ideal refreshment that adds extra enjoyment to almost every pleasant occasion; makes good food taste even better. Keep a supply of Goebel Beer in these handy easy to store, no deposit containers on hand at all times for yourself and your guests. Remember discriminating people know Goebel Beer is the beer that is nationally famous for good taste. Brewed and packed by Goebel Brewing Company - Detroit, Mich. - Internal Revenue Tax Paid - 12 Fl. Ounces. "Brewed in U.S.A" under red vertical line. Lilek OI 343

USBC 1 70-32 USBC 2   Class   BCU 73-16
Bible 1058 Other   Lid    

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Randall Karasek. All Rights Reserved
Updated: 5/20/2023