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Brewery A Haas (Hancock) Brewing Company Date  
Type Cone (HP), 12-2, Wide Price 100
Company Continental Can Company Code CCC 5?
Details Green paintover alcohol statement. Very similar to 39-08 but with the alcohol statement blocked out with a green line around the can.

Images provided courtesy of Rusty Bunch www.therustybunch.com member Jim Hall. While the green paint certainly looks like someone took the wrong color finger nail polish and hastely painted a line around the can, per Jim he has seen more than one example which had the same.

Very possible the brewery was simply trying to save $$$ and couldn't use the alcohol statement cans if the beer contents didn't match the statement. It might indeed have been cheaper to pay someone to slap some paint on by hand than to pay the goverment any fines...

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Randall Karasek. All Rights Reserved
Updated: 5/20/2023