Michigan Beer Cans - Version History

Version Released Description
2.3 00/00/2026 Work in progress. Will there be any more MBC updates? Does anyone even look at this stuff other than Randy???
2.2 01/25/2025 Review of MBC content and update of variations discovered over the past few years. Thanks to Chris Taylor and Chuck Starrett for sharing info/pictures of these recent finds. Special thanks to New Years Eve visit to Kevin Foley to both photograph some super rare cans but two hours of enjoyable hobby conversation
2.1 05/20/2023 Removed "mi" content and now fully generated/hosted under MBC with CanDB 4.1. The grouped by sizes and types pages actually uncovered some beer cans with wrong can face, wrong type, and some with missing size information.
2.0 08/01/2017 Moved data files and images from older Java software into CanDB. Added a few pictures of previously undocumented Goebel Guinness cans.
1.9 12/24/2011 In my five years of photographing Michigan beer cans only four examples of the red Altes 16oz zip tab surfaced, three off grade dumpers and the actual example from the Class Book of US Beer Cans. Sometime after 2008 a fifth example surfaced from an Ann Arbor collection, and now in 2011 a sixth, and certainly the best known example has appeared. This makes now six known examples of this very rare beer can.
1.8 08/01/2011 While I no longer collect Michigan cans, a couple of interesting variations have surfaced in the past 3-4 years. Most notably a 12oz National Draft from Detroit (makes sense since they produced the gallon in Detroit) as well as a 32oz Schmidts Natural Brew.
1.7 09/24/2006 Some more tough Michigan variations found and photographed, including two Goebel Guinness, Schmidt's Natural Brew, and a strange Stroh crimped steel, along with some more aluminum variations which list a Detroit P.O. box.
1.6 04/25/2006 Just when I thought the number of unknown Michigan variations was ramping down to a trickle/stop, eleven new canning code variations have now been photographed, as well as couple of tough photographs able to be updated with much better examples. Major thanks to Alex Draper and Leon Hampton mailing cans to be photographed. The list of believed to exist but not yet photographed is now down to just 43 variations!
1.5 12/30/2005 Finally getting a chance to release version 1.5, with many thanks to Chuck Starrett for providing a CD with images of many of these new found (or newly pictured) variations. The list of known but not yet pictured minor Michigan variations keeps getting smaller! Also, generated HTML now includes pictures of the top lids for some of the more interesting flats, zip tabs, and transitional fan tabs or early pull tabs.
1.4 08/17/2005 Back from another great visit to Michigan, visiting and talking beer cans with Jack Lucas, Jim Potapa, John McGuire and Chris Taylor, as well as other collecting friends at the NABA convention in South Bend. Handful of new variations photographed as well as some retakes or upgrades to previously documented Michigan cans.
1.3 03/07/2005 Blue/Gray 2005 has come and gone, and as expected, another great show! Multiple days of room-to-room, visited with many friends, and cans, cans and more beer cans! Many thanks to Ted Wolfe for bringing a tote of Stroh cans to be photographed for MBC content. Also, after over a year of searching for the red Altes 16oz zip pictured in the Class book, the actual can surfaced at B/G for inclusion in the upcoming BCCA tab top book. Detailed pictures are included with this MBC release.
1.2 01/21/2005 Back from Winterfest 2005 and another very enjoyable trip to Michigan. Many thanks for the hospitality of Don Wild and Chris Taylor, repeat visits to both great friends, and thanks to the Mid-Michigan chapter for hosting the show. Some highlights were two of the three known Regal dumpers reunited after many years (photos included with this MBC release) as well as three Honer's HP cones, offgrade, but still really nice examples.

Included with MBC version 1.2 are detailed pictures of the above mentioned Regals, some really cool Pfeiffer bank cans, upgrade pictures of some really nice Michigan variations I was able to add to my personal collection, as well as a number of Stroh variations. Future MBC versions will focus on documenting many of the Stroh aluminum cans.
1.11 08/12/2012 After years of taking MBC photographs minor variations continue to surface. Many thanks to Rusty Bunch www.therustybunch.com members Jim Hall, Kurt Matson, and Jack Lucas for providing new variation or upgraded pictures!
1.1 11/28/2004 This version contains a new Fox Deluxe quart variation, some nice photograph updates, and start of many missing aluminum variations. There are numerous Stroh aluminum variations not yet photographed but have to start somewhere!
1.0 09/18/2004 Canvention 2004 in Dearbon has now wrapped up, and a number of additional MBC pictures of some really tough Michigan beer cans, upgrading some pictures and filling in some variation holes. Many thanks to Al Cambridge, Keith Neil, John McGuire, Kevin Foley, and Robert Fondren for bringing some rare Michigan cans to the show. I was also fortunate to pick up some other tough Michigan cans for my personal collection. Version 1.0 has had repeated "review" and is now a good first pass covering all known variations of steel Michigan beer cans, with focus shifting to the aluminum cans with later releases. While this project has involved significant travel (both plane and rental cars) it has also been very enjoyable, giving me the opportunity to visit with a number of great collecting friends. Please let me know of any mistakes or new variations, and I look forward to future MBC revisions. Enjoy!!!
0.9 02/29/2004 Back from another enjoyable Blue/Gray! Great show, visited with a number of collecting friends, and picked up some very nice Michigan cans. Thanks to Chris Taylor (yet again), Keith Niel, and Chuck Starrett for more digital images for MBC content.
0.8 01/19/2004 Back from Winterfest and enjoyable visits with a number of Michigan collectors. Special thanks to Chris Taylor and Eric Menning for arranging missing variations to be brought to the show. Also, many thanks to Chris, Eric, Leon Hampton, Dan Bora, John McLogan, Dave Wheaton, Jack Lucas and Dave Van Hine for bringing cans to be photographed. This project would not be a success, or anywhere nearly as enjoyable, without the help of fellow collectors.
0.7 09/15/2003 Back from BCCA 2003 canvention, picking up a couple of new variations and nice upgrades or at least pictures of others. Very enjoyable discussions with Dale Rogalski, John McGuire, and Dick Adamowicz at canvention, as well as great visits with Greg Stinsa and Dick Adamowicz in August. The chance to spend time with other beer can collectors is what makes this hobby (and MBC project) so enjoyable.

This version also introduces a Featured Articles section, all currently written by Chris Taylor in the late 1990's. These articles are invaluable for those specializing in Michigan beer cans
0.6 07/27/2003 Back from Waynesville and Brecksville shows in Ohio, and of course Summerswap 2003 in Frankenmuth. Also some very enjoyable visits with Jack Lucas, Jim Potapa, John McGuire, Bob McCoy, and Dale Rogalski, as well as Chris Taylor for the third time! Also picked up some Michigan cans for our personal collections over the past few months. 75 variations now documented or updated in this version.
0.5 04/28/2003 Back from Michigan and great visits with Chris Taylor, Don Wild, and Leon Hampton, all with notable Michigan collections and all around great guys! Plus, it has been a good winter/spring acquiring some tough Michigan cans for our personal collections. Over 115 Michigan beer cans have new, updated, or modified images and data with this release.
0.4 02/07/2003 Major variation additions based on Excel spreadsheet provided by Michigan specialist Eric Menning (BCCA 23568). Over 80 minor variations with respect to canning company/codes were added to this MBC version!
0.3 01/25/2003 Back from Winterfest, 2003 and sub-zero Michigan wind chill!!! Number of miscellaneous variations added. New version history and version pictorial HTML. New miscellaneous information such as Camera Settings, Camera Box pictures, and other info for the process used to create the CD and web site.
0.2 01/06/2003 All new digital images of many cans. Redid table of contents, polished up aome of the HTML, added printing hints as well as button for pirntable medium/large pages. More HTML for hiding alumninum cans (still not fully implemented) as well as ordering a MBC CD. First version available for external review.
0.12 07/29/2004 Another trip to the midwest and literally over 1000 miles (1075 to be exact) on the rental car in just four days!!! Very enjoyable visits with Dave Stark and Tom Wascher, and repeat visits with Michigan collecting friends Chris Taylor and Leon Hampton. This version now has pictures of the ultra rare Regal, some more Guinness cans, retake of all gold Bosch cans (there were a couple of transposed pictures in previous versions) and some miscellaneous variation additions/upgrades. Cone top Bible numbers added for pictured cones.
0.11 04/05/2004 Back from Kansas City and very enjoyable visits with Tom Waggoner, Bob Hilderbrand, Bruce Gregg and other local collectors. With pictures of cans from a couple of very impressive collections, some upgrade pictures from Chuck, and some nice additions to my personal collection, this MBC update version has many very tough variation holes now filled. While still some known but yet unpictured variations, the list is now much shorter thanks to so many awesome collectors in this hobby! Thanks again to Tom Waggoner for a wonderful open house prior to the Blue Springs show.
0.1 11/01/2002 First prototype version available for author review

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